Enter your best, most courageous work for this year's Carmage Walls Commentary Prize

A total of $15,000 in cash prizes will be awarded


Awards for excellence in editorial writing (representing the view of the newspaper) and awards for excellence in column writing (columns written by one or more individuals) will be presented this November in Colorado Springs, at the America's Newspapers Senior Leadership Conference. Win cash prizes and recognition!

Find full contest details here, along with links to the entry form

Contest judges will be evaluating the entries in both categories this summer — in two circulation brackets: over 35,000 circulation and under 35,000 circulation.  Three cash prizes and plaques will be awarded in each bracket:

  • Editorials (over 35,000 circulation)
  • Editorials (under 35,000 circulation)
  • Columns (over 35,000 circulation)
  • Columns (under 35,000 circulation)

Cash awards will be as follows in each of the four contest brackets: first-place, $2,250; second-place, $1,000; and third-place, $500. This puts total cash prizes at $15,000 — thanks to the generous support of Lissa Walls Cribb and Southern Newspapers, Inc.

In addition to the top three in each bracket, America's Newspapers also will be recognizing additional finalists.

This contest has always sought to recognize strong, courageous and positive editorial page leadership. Judges will take the courage it took to write the editorials or columns into highest consideration.

Submit entries that demonstrate courageous writing!

Find full contest details here, along with links to the entry form